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Welcome to the Friends of Croome Website...

The Friends of Croome started in 2004, to promote the work of the National Trust, encourage knowledge and better understanding of Croome and to initiate social activities and fund-raising. Funds raised through our activities go towards supporting projects at Croome.

Membership is diverse including those who simply love Croome, families whose forebears worked on the Croome Estate and National Trust volunteers involved in all aspects of the everyday running of Croome and with planning for its future.

Our oral history project has burgeoned into a remarkable record of recollections of life at Croome both during the time of the Coventry family and afterwards, along with photographic records for display. With Lottery Grant assistance, a booklet was produced and still the work of interviewing and recording goes on.

Our events group provides an excellent programme of entertaining and informative talks, walks and visits specifically for Friends of Croome members, details of our future events are notified direct to members. Details of individual events are also usually posted on our Facebook page 

We are proud of the high standard of our newsletter produced twice a year for members, containing informative articles and the latest on projects at Croome.

By becoming a Friend of Croome, your enjoyment of Croome will be enhanced by a feeling of belonging and involvement and by the enthusiasm of fellow members.

You can follow us on FaceBook just click this link to join our group

Facebook Friends of Croome FaceBook Group

Croome Heritage Trust

The primary objective of the Croome Heritage trust is to protect the heritage, archives and legacy of the Earls of Coventry for the foreseeable future. Its other main goal is to Educate; to inform interested parties on the Coventry family history and the history of Croome Court and its estate.

Click here to visit the website of Croome Heritage Trust

Friends of Croome Supporting the National Trust

Click here to Visit the National Trust Croome website